Friday, October 23, 2009

In the New York Times editorial "Compassion Deficit" the editor discusses how local governments have responded to the increase in the homeless in different areas around the country. The first example the editor mentions informs the readers about the ordeal in Brooksville, Pennsylvania where a minister fought through the court system to have a shelter reopened after local officials closed it down for “zoning violations.” Reverend Jack Wisor was awarded $100,000 to reopen the shelter. This is one example of how government officials and the community are threatened by the homeless; feeling as if they are all criminals when in fact “in the past year, an average of 10 percent of homeless individuals seeking shelter lost homes to foreclosure,” according to an article on End Homelessness, "From Homeowner to Homeless Shelter" Shannon Moriarty.
With the new laws and arrests that are made against the homeless only adds to their financial burdens with legal fees. The closures of shelters prevent the homeless from the opportunity to prepare themselves mentally and physically to seek employment getting food, hygiene, and shelter. Local governments are creating obstacles for the homeless in their attempt getting the help they need to get back on track. It only takes a little help and encouragement to point someone in the right direction, granted they may not be in the same position as they were previously but any little bit helps.
The editor mentions the local governments in Daytona Beach, Florida whom are empathetic with the homeless. The community is coming together by helping the homeless get on their feet and helping clean up the city. I feel that’s how the entire country needs to take on the situation, as Americans we are suppose to be “United” coming together as one, and helping out the ones in need. There is a variety of reasons homelessness exist but the negative downturn of the economy is the main reason why there is a large increase. As the editor states, “it’s far more than a local shame…”

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